Hostio GRE Print

  • GRE, GRE Tunnel
  • 29

Connect your server/switch with our GRE services

Explanation / Disclaimer:

Use the following procedure at your own risk. This is an example to setup a GRE tunnel on your own server. Use SSH to enter the commands. Use the correct IPv4 addresses where applicable. In this example we are creating a tunnel with the following example IPv4 addresses

For Linux servers

Setup the GRE connection between the devices:

ip tunnel add gre1 mode gre remote <gre server ip> local <own server ip> ttl 255
ip tunnel add gre1 mode gre remote local ttl 255

Bring the GRE tunnel online:

ip link set gre1 up

Add the private subnet to our GRE tunnel for the communication between the servers/switches:

ip route add <private subnet> dev gre1
ip route add dev gre1

Set up a private IP in the private subnet:

ip addr add <private subnet ip> dev gre1
ip addr add dev gre1

Add the range in the GRE tunnel via the GRE tunnel IP:

ip r add <range> via <private gre ip>
ip r add <range> via

Set the GRE tunnel IP to go through the standard server port instead of the GRE tunnel:

ip r add <gre server ip>  via <your server gateway ip>
ip r add via

Ensure that the routing runs smoothly via the GRE private IP:

ip r del default && ip r add default via <private gre ip>
ip r del default && ip r add default via

Add the IP addresses of the range to own server:

ip addr add <range> dev gre1
ip addr add range>.10/24 dev gre1
ip addr add range>.50/24 dev gre1
ip addr add range>.150/24 dev gre1

For Switches

<coming soon>

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